We do not charge to use our platform.

Project PM earns $100 per hour. Recruiting firm submits PM for client review at $145 per hour. The contract is 12 months. Most PM’s work more than 40 hours per week but we will use 40 hours for this example: 52 weeks x 40 hours per week x $45 mark up = $93,600.

Recruiting firm pays PM twice a month (24 times a year), and spent money to recruit (maybe) so let’s say $1000 was spent on recruiting the PM. Every few months (again maybe) the recruiting firm reaches out to the PM and the client. Mainly in the hopes there will be more resource needs.

The client manages the PM day to day, usually provides hardware, software, systems, and still cuts a check but to the recruiting firm once a month.

We have yet to work with a hospital that did not have an HR and payroll department. In fact, they are usually really good at paying people and do not normally pay part time payroll clerks $93,600 a year.

In fairness to the recruiting firm, let’s go back to the above example and take out the $1000 spent to recruit, the 4 hours a year to contact the PM and client, the processing of the 24 paychecks, yearend documents, and the payroll taxes. The recruiting firm only makes about $83,000 while the client does all the heavy lifting. We think that is excessive.

With Khick IT you must set up a profile, something we have all done dozens of times with Amazon, Apple, Uber, Google (you get the idea). That’s it. Once your profile is approved you can hire and be hired. Both parties meet and discuss the project, favorite foods, past experiences, whatever they need to discuss and agree on a rate.

We do charge to use our platform, and to learn more about how we stay in business click here – Button takes them to Fee page.

In addition to charging for our platform we give back to everyone who does the hard work of setting up a profile. To learn more about how we share with our community, click here – Button takes user to community page.

Learn more about our process

Flat Transparent Rates
If we figure out how to provide our services for free and still stay in business we will. Until then we do need to change something.
Number of Resources 1 2-4 +5
Weekly (per Resource) $460 $435 $410
Refer another client $410*
*This rate will apply to referrer and referred


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